Enterprise Sustainable Procurement Analytics Platform
Reduce the Impact of Your Procurement on People and the Planet

Quickly and easily quantify, in financial terms, the environmental and social impact
of your products and services across all planetary boundaries.


Everything has a hidden cost.

$7 trillion is the estimated hidden financial impact to the planet caused by human activity across GHGs, land use, water consumption and toxic emissions.

We call this hidden financial cost the planet price, and we’re calculating it across the world’s supply chains. Now organizations can finally make sustainable procurement choices they can bank on.

What’s your Planet Price?

Planet Price® -
Calculating the Real Cost of Everything

Leveraging best-practice methodologies, commercial-grade data and the latest technologies, Planet Price provides everything you need to quickly perform top-down and bottom-up analyses of your supply chain, quantifying the impact your procurement decisions have on the planet in financial terms.

View the Platform video to the right to discover how we do it.


Buyers + Suppliers


Product Categories

$0 Billion +

Spend Analysed

$0 Billion

In Hidden Costs

Intently Focused on Sustainable Procurement

Analyzing the impact of the products and services used by your organization can be an intimidating, complex endeavor. The confusion mix of sustainability indicators can be hard to quantify. Where to even begin?

But when up to 80% of an organization's impact is the result of indirect activities, we have to make a start.

Now, with the help of AI and other innovative technologies, Planet Price has made analysing the sustainability aspect of procurement quick, easy and accessible.

All the Boundaries Count

Scientists have identified nine planetary boundaries that are critical for maintaining the stability and resilience of Earth's system as a whole. Some are being pushed to their limits by human activities. Most have already been exceeded.

That's why Planet Price doesn't stop at GHGs. We're measuring human impacts across all nine boundaries, including GHGs, land, water, biodiversity, eutrophication, ozon, acid rain and toxic emissions.

Get Granular, Go Circular

Planet Prices gives you the ability to analyze your entire procurement landscape and get a high-level, bird's eye view of your suppliers and products.

You can also get more into the weeds and perform a streamlined Life Cycle Assessment of the key products used in your supply chain. And you can do it much more quickly and easily than you might think.

View the explainer video to the right to learn more about the Plant Price Product Calculator.

Partners in Sustainability

Planet Price works with a variety of organizations across many industries that share a common objective:
to help the world move towards an economy with zero Planet Price through sustainable, circular procurement approaches.

Ready to Explore More?

Contact Us About Our Scope 3 Tread Lightly Assessment Today - a one-time, top-down analysis of your organization's procurement data using our Sustainable Procurement Analytics Platform.